Celebrating Community and Camaraderie: The 2023 San Pablo City Association Annual Picnic

On the sun-kissed afternoon of September 17, 2023, members of the San Pablo City Association gathered at the private pavilion of Liberty State Park in Jersey City, New Jersey, to celebrate their annual picnic. With the backdrop of a stunningly beautiful day, the event was nothing short of a delightful occasion filled with joy, laughter, and cherished memories.

The San Pablo City Association’s annual picnic has always been a significant event for its members, serving as a reminder of their roots and fostering a strong sense of camaraderie among fellow Filipinos living in the United States. This year’s picnic was made even more special by the presence of distinguished guests, including the former Governor of New Jersey, James “Jim” McGreevey, and the Jersey City Tax Assessor, Mr. Ed Toloza. Mr. Toloza has always been a beloved guest of the association.

The gathering began with the warm and gracious welcome of the attendees, who were met with an impressive array of Filipino dishes that would satisfy any food lover’s palate. From the savory kare-kare and pinakbet to the delectable pancit and lumpia, the picnic was a gastronomic feast that transported everyone back to the flavors of the Philippines.

As the day unfolded, both children and adults alike were treated to a variety of games and activities. Laughter echoed through the pavilion as participants competed in friendly matches, showcasing their competitive spirit and fellowship. There was line dancing where attendees showcased their graceful moves.

The generosity of the San Pablo City Association was also evident in the gifts they provided for the children in attendance. Each child left the picnic with a smile on their face and a new toy in hand. Boys were delighted with remote-controlled humvees and helicopters, while girls were charmed by the stuffed animals they received. These gifts served as a tangible reminder of the warmth and sense of community that the association embodies.

The 2023 San Pablo City Association Annual Picnic was more than just a gathering; it was a reaffirmation of the bonds that connect Filipino-Americans in the Northeast. It showcased the enduring spirit of camaraderie and the commitment to preserving the rich cultural heritage of San Pablo City and the Philippines.

As the sun set on that memorable day at Liberty State Park, the echoes of laughter, the aroma of delicious food, and the rhythmic beats of Filipino music lingered in the hearts of all who attended. The annual picnic served as a reminder that, no matter where they are in the world, the San Pablo City Association will continue to celebrate their culture, cherish their community, and strengthen the bonds that make them a close-knit family.